Linwood Barclay

No Time For Goodbye
1. No Time For Goodbye
2. No Safe House

Promise Falls*
1. Broken Promise
2. Far From True
3. The Twenty-Three (coming Nov. '18)

* (the following books introduce the characters in the Promise Falls series, even though they are unrelated stand-alones. They should be read first in this order to enjoy the trilogy the most)

  1. Too Close to Home
  2. Never Look Away
  3. A Tap on the Window


Billy Batson and the Magic of Shazam! by Mike Kunkel and Art Baltazar
1. The World's Mightiest Mortal!
2. Magic Words!
3. Perilous Peril!
4. Brother vs Brother!
5. Mr, Who? Mr. Atom!
6. To Be King!
1-6. Billy Batson and the Magic of Shazam! by Mike Kunkel and Art Baltazar
7. Deception Reception!
8. Come Together!
9. Fire Fire Everywhere!
10. The Legacy of Mr. Banjo!
7-?. Billy Batson and the Magic of Shazam! Mr. Mind over Matter by Art Baltazar and Franco

Matsuba, Satoru

Devil Survivor
Vol. 1: Demon Invasion
Vol 2: Lockdown Blues
Vol. 3: Beyond the Battle
Vol. 4:
Vol. 5: (coming May '16)
Vol. 6: (coming Jul '16)
Vol 7: (coming Sep '16)

Crimes Canada: True Crimes That Shocked the Nation

Crimes Canada: True Crimes That Shocked the Nation
1. Robert Pickton: The Pig Farmer Killer by Chris Swinney
2. Marc Lepine: The Montreal Massacre by RJ Parker
3. Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka: The Ken and Barbie Killers by Dr. Peter Vronsky
4. Shirley Turner: Doctor, Stalker, Murderer by Kelly Banaski
5. Canadian Psycho: The True Story of Luka Magnotta by Cara Lee Carter
6. The Country Boy Killer: The True Story of Cody Legebokoff, Canada's Teenage Serial Killer by J.T. Hunter
7. The Killer Handyman: William Patrick Fyfe by CL Swinney
8. October - Hells Angels Biker Wars  by  RJ Parker
9. November -  Earle Nelson: The Gorilla Killer by Michael Newton
10. December - Clifford Olson - The Beast of British Columbia by Liz Albright
11. January 2016 - Gilbert Paul Jordan: The Boozing Barber by Harriet Fox
12. February - Col. David Russell Williams: An Officer and Serial Killer by RJ Parker & Introduction by Katherine McCarthy
13. March - Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women of Canada by Katherine McCarthy
14. April - Purgatory in Isolation: The Story of Renee Acoby by Diana Montane

James Sturm

Adventures in Cartooning
1. Adventures in Cartooning: How to Turn Your Doodles into Comics
1.5 Adventures in Cartooning Activity Book
2. Adventures in Cartooning: Christmas Special
3. Adventures in Cartooning: Characters in Action

Picture Books
1. Sleepless Knight
2. Gryphons Aren't So Great
3. Ogres Awake!

Fairy Tail [manga universe]

Fairy Tail: Ice Trail
Vol. 1: What the Future Holds
Vol. 2: Magic That Frees
Avg = 3/5

Fairy Tail
Prequel: Fairy Tale Zero
Vol. 1: The Wicked Side of Wizardry
Vol. 2: The Book of Secrets
Vol. 3: Musical Murders
Vol. 4: "S" Is for Screwup
Vol. 5: Gray-Out
Vol. 6: Demon Rising
Vol. 7: Guild War
Vol. 8: Ultimate Duel
Vol. 9: Fading Wizard
Vol. 10: Shadows of the Past
Vol. 11: When Checkmate Means Death
Vol. 12: The Doomsday Weapon
Vol. 13: The Doomsday Weapon (Pt. 2)
Vol. 14: The Demon's Rebirth
Vol. 15: A Team of Dragons

Fairy Tail Blue Mistral
Vol. 1: Wendy's Own Fairy Tail
Vol. 2: A Dragon Slayer's Detour
Vol. 3: A Dragon Slayer in Disguise
Vol. 4: (coming soon)

Fairy Girls
Vol. 1
Vol. 2: Business and Pleasure
Vol. 3: Work Like a Girl
Vol. 4: coming Apr '17)

Hiroya Oku

Vol 1: Beyond Prime
Vol 2: Cruel Youth
Vol. 3: A Light in the Dark
Vol. 4: Friend of an Enemy
Vol. 5: (coming Oct '16)
Vol. 6: (coming Feb '17)