Fairy Tail [manga universe]

Fairy Tail: Ice Trail
Vol. 1: What the Future Holds
Vol. 2: Magic That Frees
Avg = 3/5

Fairy Tail
Prequel: Fairy Tale Zero
Vol. 1: The Wicked Side of Wizardry
Vol. 2: The Book of Secrets
Vol. 3: Musical Murders
Vol. 4: "S" Is for Screwup
Vol. 5: Gray-Out
Vol. 6: Demon Rising
Vol. 7: Guild War
Vol. 8: Ultimate Duel
Vol. 9: Fading Wizard
Vol. 10: Shadows of the Past
Vol. 11: When Checkmate Means Death
Vol. 12: The Doomsday Weapon
Vol. 13: The Doomsday Weapon (Pt. 2)
Vol. 14: The Demon's Rebirth
Vol. 15: A Team of Dragons

Fairy Tail Blue Mistral
Vol. 1: Wendy's Own Fairy Tail
Vol. 2: A Dragon Slayer's Detour
Vol. 3: A Dragon Slayer in Disguise
Vol. 4: (coming soon)

Fairy Girls
Vol. 1
Vol. 2: Business and Pleasure
Vol. 3: Work Like a Girl
Vol. 4: coming Apr '17)

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