Red Hood (DC Comics)

Red Hood & the Outlaws (New 52)
Vol. 1: REDemption
Vol. 2: The Starfire
Vol. 3: Death of the Family
Vol. 4: League of Assassins
Vol. 5: The Big Picture
Vol. 6: Lost and Found
Vol. 7: Last Call

Red Hood and the Outlaws (ReBirth)
Vol. 1: Dark Trinity
Vol. 2: Who Is Artemis? 

Red Hood/Arsenal
Vol. 1: Open for Business
Vol. 2: (coming Oct '16)

One-offs & Mini-Series
Batman: Under the Red Hood by Judd Winick
Batman: Under the Red Hood, Vol. 2 by Judd Winick
Red Hood: The Lost Days by Judd Winick

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